Crush Your Financial Goals in 2021 with free access to Ramsey+
You get an entire suite of the best money tools that will help you take control of your finances.
Imagine if you had cash in the bank for emergencies, lived a debt-free lifestyle, and became outrageously generous. TheBOD believes you can, but it’ll take some work to get there. That’s why we want every family to have access to Ramsey+ AT NO COST TO YOU! That’s right Ramsey+ is free for you. It’s a plan for living and giving the way you’ve dreamed about. Click the link and get started today!
What you get access to:

Get the proven money plan. Financial Peace University—Dave’s bestselling course—has helped nearly 6 million people discover the right way to handle money. Dave Ramsey, Rachel Cruze and Chris Hogan teach the timeless principles of paying off debt, saving, and investing for the future. Get access from your desktop, Apple TV, phone or tablet

Create a budget, manage money, and track spending on the go with the EveryDollar budget apps for iPhone and Android. EveryDollar syncs across devices, so whether you are budgeting from your desktop or phone, your budget is always up to date.

Track and attack your money goals one at a time with the Baby Steps App. Baby Steps helps you:
- Figure out what Baby Step you’re on.
- Learn and apply Dave Ramsey’s 7 Baby Steps.
- Set a debt-free date.
- Chuck a digital snowball at your debt every time you pay down a bill.
- Become a budgeting boss with tips from money expert Rachel Cruze.
- Take in solid career advice from bestselling author Ken Coleman.