One for the Books!

2024 Year in Review

This year in review is simply a mirror of you. By God’s power and your faithfulness to serve, love, pray, and give, you’re making an eternal difference in the lives of others every day. You’re the hands and feet of Jesus, meeting the needs of our community. You’re the worshippers and servants welcoming people through the doors of our church every weekend. You’re the loving hands and hearts, that guide the young and empower the next generation of leaders. Together with the power of Spirit, you’re playing a role in every hand that is raised and every story that is changed.

Behind every hand that is raised is a story of someone’s life that is changed.  That person matters to us and they matter to God.

hands went up to receive Christ in 2024.

My relationships with my friends and family are healing. I am capable of handling the mess I created in my addiction because God gives me the strength to every single day. I know that God has been in my story because I still have breath in my lungs today… I am a soul on fire for God!!


This has had such a great impact on our marriage. We started off in shambles and being in the Word of God has brought us even closer than we have ever been before. We understand things now that we didn’t realize were really big issues in our marriage.
We’re committed to sharing the stories God is telling through others at TheBOD.
Here’s one we’ve had the honor of being a part of this year.
The church is not a building, it’s the people.  Each week we gather to worship, celebrate, and serve God.  We’ve found purpose behind our passion and want to help everyone become the person God created them to be.

people walked through the doors each week.


It’s one of the most meaningful steps we can experience as a follower of Christ – letting the world know of our decision to follow him.  That’s why we make a big deal about it.

people went public with their faith through Baptism in 2024.


At TheBOD, It’s our volunteers that make the difference. One of the best ways to meet people, develop relationships, and grow as a follower of Christ is to serve the local church. We like to say there’s nothing more fun than serving God with people you love.

volunteers serving over


Your Church on Mission

Relief and Restoration

Beyond what happens in our personal lives and church experiences, sharing the love of Christ means bringing help and hope to people in need. We partner with community organizations, local churches, and focus on opportunities that span the globe.
This year we partnered with six local schools and another
local church to serve over 

200 families

with over

$18,000 worth of school supplies

at our Back to School supply giveaway.
This Thanksgiving, your church took an entire weekend we called Impact Sunday and delivered

125 Thanksgiving meals

to local families in need. We gathered over

3500 lbs

of groceries and served over 500 people.
God’s heart is for the orphan. So is ours. This year, TheBOD had over


of financial impact through Care Portal, a nationwide network that connects local churches to foster care and adoptive family needs through local DHS workers.


Digital Missions

Every week God is changing lives. Every hand that is raised, every story shared, every baptism celebrated is a result of God using people in their local campus and community through their giving to impact lives all across the globe.  We partner with Life.Church digital missions to maximize every dollar we give toward this effort.
The world has changed. In the past, here in Hong Kong, people relied on printed materials to read the Bible. But now with the Bible App, God’s Word is so accessible to them.

Lee Y.

I was looking for apps to download and found YouVersion. I started a reading plan and felt like it was speaking to me. I thought I was going to be reading a book. But as it turns out, it’s not just recorded history. It’s not just a bunch of stories that teach you to be moral. It’s something that get’s inside you and changes you from the inside out.

Scott D

the number of free resources and downloads you've played a part in

the amount we've given in 17 years to support digital missions.

the number of Bible App installs you've played a part in.

We’re making 2025 our most generous year yet!

Because we’ve seen all that God has done, we know this is just the beginning. What part will you play in the next decade? Generosity isn’t just something we do it’s a part of who we are at TheBOD. If you’re ready to see how God wants to use your generosity, tithing is a great first step.  It’s the beginning place of Christian generosity. You give above and beyond an offering, to help expand existing ministries and spaces to reach more people through Campus Development, launch churches in new communities through Spaces & Places, or invest in people in your community and around the world with a gift to Relief & Restoration.